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lamantembawang | 07.54 | 0 komentar

About Us 
Tembawang is the site of the last indigenous peoples, tembawang management system as a form of forest management and land thumbnail fair and sustainable. Tembawang itself is an old hamlet where the plant is dominated by fruit trees.

Laman Tembawang, as filosofy or concept which contains a veranda equitable and sustainable management. In order for the management of existing areas in the community is saved, it is important campaigns on environmental, cultural, social, and economic communities. All the potential and all the problems that exist in the area to continue to convey to the public through social media and so forth.

For those of you who have the heart to provide assistance dried on our activities, related to all sorts of that in posts on this blog. Here is some information that we try to give:

Emaile :
Hp       : 085245007058

Donasi :
BRI Cabang Pontianak
No  : 007101007960537
A.n : Nikasius Meki

Donate in My Akun Paypal


Admin @lamantembawang:
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